Saturday, October 01, 2011

1,000 "Likes" = BOGO COUPON!

As the title suggests, today I am launching a new campaign to boost the number of "Likes" for the Art from the Inkwell Fan Page.  It started this morning with the publication of the October edition of Art from the Inkwell Monthly Newsletter.  As I was preparing this month's edition, I happened to read an article in my Constant Contact Learning Center about a Pet Supply store in Cincinnati that was able to boost the number of "Likes" for their Facebook page to over 5,000 in less than a week!  I thought, wow! I've got to try something like that.  

So here's how it works:  Since I am basically starting from scratch (33 "Likes" so far), I've set a target of 1,000 "Likes" and "Joins" by the end of the month.  Once I've reached that plateau, I will be sending out to everyone on my mailing list a BOGO COUPON (Buy One, Get One at half-price).  That is why the "Joins" are tied in to the "Likes" - I'll need email addresses to be able to send the coupons to everyone.  For those 33 who have already "Liked" the Art from the Inkwell Fan Page, you are half-way home.  Simply go back to the page and "Join My List".  For those of you who are already on my mailing list, you too are half-way home.  Simply go to the Art from the Inkwell page and "Like" it.  I've provided a link at the top of the post to get over to the Fan Page to get started.

Now, once that has been accomplished, kindly share this information with everyone in your address book: family,  friends,  even people you don't particularly care for, would be helpful.  The sooner I reach that 1,000 "Like" plateau, the sooner I will be able to start sending out the coupons.  As I said, I've featured this campaign in the October Newsletter, as well as here on the blog, and have sent out emails to everyone on my personal mailing list.  I will be posting this to Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn also, so I apologize for the overkill if you have already seen this, but I want to make sure that I reach as many people as possible.  That is why I greatly appreciate your help in this matter, by contacting the people you know to pass on this information.  

So, with Christmas right around the corner, and whatever birthdays, anniversaries, graduations or other occasions might be on the horizon, a BOGO COUPON  might come in handy.  The coupon can be redeemed for anything on the website (Print, Maple Burl Clock, Gift box, Myrtlewood plate, trivet, etc.) of equal or lesser value than the original item purchased.